Atlas of countries
Table of States
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System of government | presidential republic |
Country code | SS, SSD |
Flag | |
Capital city | Juba |
Currency | South Sudanese pound (SSP) |
Predominant religion | Catholic Christianity and Natural religion |
Former colonizer | United Kingdom (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) |
Membership | UN MMF African Union |
Population | 12 323 419 people (74. place in the world) |
Area | 644 329 km2 (42. place in the world) |
Density | 19 people per km2 (163. place in the world) |
GDP per capita | 1 694 USD per capita (175. place in the world) |
Peacefulness | GPI Global Peace Index 3,526 (159. place in the world) |
Corruption | CPI Corruption Perceptions Index 12 (176. place in the world) |
Human development | HDI Human Development Index 0,388 (186. place in the world) |
Economy freedom | N/A |
Life expectancy | 57,3 years (183. place in the world) |
Income iequality | Gini coefficient 46,3 (135. place in the world) |
CO2 emissions | N/A |
CO2 emissions per km2 | N/A |
CO2 emissions per capita | N/A |