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Visegrad Group (V4) is an alliance of four Central European states that aims to promote cooperation and stability in the wider Central European region.

The group established the International Visegrad Fund. Its mission is to support the development of closer cooperation and to strengthen the mutual ties between those V4 countries. The Fund financially supports projects in the following areas: culture, science and research, education, youth exchanges, tourism development and cross-border cooperation.

The V4 also set up a Visegrad Battlegroup, which includes joint military exercises, coordinated defense provision and joint defense development in the four European states.

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V4 - Visegrad Four
  Country Capital city Area (km2) Population GDP per capita
Czechia Prague 78 867 10 649 800 38 019
Hungary Budapest 93 030 9 957 731 28 798
Poland Warsaw 322 575 38 433 600 29 923
Slovakia Bratislava 49 035 5 412 008 32 371
    543 507 64 453 139 31 292